In August 2024, Capital International Group are sending 12 volunteers on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to spend time with children at the Huruma Orphanage Centre in Arusha, Tanzania.

One aspect of the project is to support local businesses and the wider community by helping the orphanage to become both sustainable and self-sufficient by planting fruit trees and creating vegetable patches.

The orphanage is home to 35 children between the ages of four and 17 and provides essential services such as education, a safe place to live, food, and helping the children find work to integrate back into society once they are old enough. The work done at the Huruma Orphanage Centre is truly incredible and the Capital International team are hoping that they can continue to build on this when they make the journey later this year.

Capital International Group first became associated with the orphanage when Group Chairman Anthony Long and his son, Alex, found themselves with an extra day after their Kilimanjaro climb. Their tour guide kindly arranged a visit to the orphanage, marking the beginning of the connection. Understandably, they were both captivated by the bright, smiling faces of the children, and in awe of the incredible work already being done at Huruma Orphanage Centre, that they were eager to support this initiative.

In 2023, Capital International Group raised £22,000 which went directly into purchasing the freehold for the existing land and building giving the orphanage much needed security for the future. Since then, they have maintained a wonderful relationship with the people of Huruma which has resulted in the Capital International Group Community Service Project running for the second year.

This year, 12 new volunteers from across the Group - along with Anthony Long and other members of the executive team - will be returning to the orphanage to build upon the amazing work completed in 2023. The Capital team is a mixed group, with a range of ages, backgrounds, and experiences, but they have one common goal: to have a positive impact on the lives of the children at the orphanage and the local community in Arusha.

Most of the children living at the Huruma Orphanage Centre sadly lost their parents due to the HIV epidemic which affects many countries, so they have already experienced traumatic life events at a young age. Despite this, the abundance of enthusiasm and joy that the children have seen is inspiring and we are eager to work with them and provide support by hosting workshops focusing on developing essential life skills. When the volunteers are not teaching the children, the Capital International volunteers will be helping to maintain the buildings and facilities at the orphanage.

The team are looking forward to making a positive impact on the lives of the children at the Huruma Orphanage Centre. Volunteer, Nathan Evans, is most looking forward to ‘engaging with the local people and cannot wait to embrace every facet of their culture’.

The trip is an exciting opportunity for the team to make a real difference in the children’s lives, not only through educational means and facility improvements, but also by creating memories and relationships that will last a lifetime.

The volunteer team’s fundraising efforts are already well underway, and they have already surpassed the halfway mark to reach their target of £18,000. From bingo nights to sausage baps to extreme physical challenges, it is great to see the variety of ideas the volunteer team have come up with to raise funds for the orphanage.

To contribute to the Huruma Project, please go to the JustGiving links provided below. For further details about the Capital International Group Community Service Project, go to