A Manx marine biologist and writer is appealing for information on the history of Manx seas.

Dr Fiona Gell is the recipient of The Corlett Bolton Research Award, a grant awarded to support a research project in the island.

The aim of the research award is to enhance knowledge and understanding of an element of either the island’s environment, culture, history, or society.

Fiona’s project will explore historical sources to understand more about the Manx marine environment and help inform its future management.

The study focuses on six key species and habitats: basking sharks, oyster banks, horse mussel reefs, seagrass meadows, saltmarshes and flapper skate (previously known as common skate) but will also try to build a picture of the historic extent of other species and habitats.

Fiona is using old marine science documents and other local archives to explore the island’s marine environmental history.

Fiona said: ‘We have a strong maritime heritage in the Isle of Man and many of us have a family history connected to the sea. I’ve found fascinating family photos giving glimpses into the history of our seas, and I’m sure lots more exist in albums and biscuit tins around the island.

‘It would be great to make use of these more unusual resources to help piece together what our marine life used to look like and what we may have lost over the years.’

l To contact her, email spring.tides@ outlook.com