The Isle of Man has some urgent decisions to make about sustainability which will have an impact on the future of the economy and quality of life that’s enjoyed by current and future generations. From Government legislation which encourages the whole community to contribute towards achieving net-zero targets to the type of green energy that’s best suited for the island’s future needs, experts from ESC (the Energy & Sustainability Centre IOM) are helping decision-makers to make informed choices.

ESC is led by former MHK Ralph Peake who is Chair of the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce’s Business Sustainability Group; Dr Dave Quirk who has a PhD in earth science and is Energy Transition Adviser at the Technical University of Denmark; and well-known meteorologist Adrian Cowin. 

The ESC team strongly believe that the public and private sectors need to work together if the island is to make a successful transition to a low carbon economy. Several leading businesses – Zurich on the Isle of Man, KPMG in the Crown Dependencies, The Peel Group, Capital International Group and Best Energy Solutions Limited – have already become ESC partners because they share the charity’s mission and vision.

Find out more about ESC at, look out for their regular articles on Isle of Man Today’s environment section, and keep reading Green Life.

Find out more about ESC at community drop-in sessions

ESC will be holding a series of community drop-in sessions across the island in the next few months.  It’s a chance to find out more about the team behind the charity, its mission and vision, and how you can get involved. The sessions will also feature ESC’s corporate partners who will be showing the progress they are making towards achieving their own net-zero targets. 

Two dates and venues have taken place so far – Ramsey Town Hall on May 7th, and Ballaugh Parish Hall on May 8th. In June and July the ESC roadshow will roll on to other parts of the island too – dates and venues will be announced on ESC’s Facebook, LinkedIn and X channels in the coming weeks.

Wind farms: Here’s why they are good for the Isle of Man (video)

The debate about the island getting its first wind farms often includes questions about the impact that turbines could have on the environment and their costs relative to other options. In both cases, wind farms are actually far cleaner and cheaper than power from gas and oil. To hear what the experts say, watch ESC’s video of Clive Myrie at the Energy & Sustainability Centre’s GreenTalks Live event talking to meteorologist and ESC Director Adrian Cowin; Graham Makepeace-Warne from the Manx Wildlife Trust and Professor James Curran MBE.

Click here to read ‘The Burning Question: What is the environmental footprint of wind turbines compared to other options?’ ESC’s expert view on wind power.