Around 400 Isle of Man students received their AS and A-level results on Thursday.

Sixth formers from island secondary schools and pupils at University College Isle of Man (UCM) discovered how they’d fared after months of revision.

And new statistics show they certainly put the work in.

The Isle of Government revealed that the A-level pass rate - grades A* to C - this year was 76%.

That’s a 9% jump on the 67% registered in 2023.

The overall level three pass rate, which is A-level grades A* to E, was out at 98% while the pass rate percentage for the top A-level grades, specifically A* to B, was 48%.

Meanwhile, 41% of pupils managed to achieve top grades in their exams (grades A* to B) - a 7% rise compared to 2023 figures.

Overall, 98% students discovered they had passed their exams (achieving grades between A* and E) on Thursday - a 1% increase on last year’s figures.

The education department says that early indications show around two-thirds of students have applied for a university course, either at UCM or further afield, and around 30% of 18-year-old school leavers plan to enter the workforce.

It added that the growing ‘learn as you earn’ trend is set to continue as many look to gain skills and qualifications while working, in areas such accountancy, engineering and digital technology.

Daphne Caine MHK, Minister for Education, Sport and Culture said: ‘I want to congratulate all students who have received their results today. You should be proud of your achievements and the skills you have developed along the way.

 ‘I want to emphasise that there are plenty of opportunities available to you, whatever your grades. Whether you are planning to go to university, take up an apprenticeship, enter the workforce, or explore other options, you will find a path that suits your interests and aspirations.

‘My thanks go out to the dedicated school staff and parents for their support.’