King William’s College and The Buchan School are inviting people to record the new choral piece, The Mountains Shall Bring Peace, to mark the King’s coronation.

‘Sing for the King’ is an open invitation for all choirs to join in song to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III.

Joanna Forbes L’Estrange, singer and composer, has been commissioned by the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) to compose the coronation anthem for this project.

The recording will take place in the Chapel of St Thomas at King William’s College, along with the King William’s College Chapel Choir.

Ahead of the coronation on Saturday, May 6, the recording will take place on Tuesday, May 2, at 6pm in the Chapel of St Thomas, with a full rehearsal before at 5.30pm.

King William’s College’s director of music, Steve Daykin, said: ‘As the only choir registered to perform this piece on the Isle of Man, we are delighted to have the opportunity to record this work.

Singing is an integral part of life at King William’s College and The Buchan School and it seems very fitting to mark the occasion in such a way.’