The disappearance of the Three Legs of Mann artwork on the face of North Barrule has left many people furious.

Isle of Man Today readers voiced their anger online with the overwhelming majority wanting the artwork reinstated with some suggesting they go and paint the stones white once more.

Local builder Bryan Callister created the 30m diameter ’art installation’ in 2019 using stones. He followed it up with a planning application to paint it white, then withdrew the application but went ahead anyway, prompting a number of objections.

But the impressive hillside piece has now ‘disappeared’ from view.

Over the weekend, a mysterious email was sent to Media Isle of Man which read: ‘North Barrule’s Three Legs of Mann has been returned to a natural stone colour. Old rope and rusting metal rods left behind after its creation have also been removed.

‘This was an effort to return the view to nature, but if we’d like to paint the lily, there is always Manx democracy to help us decide the colour.’

Mr Callister told Media Isle of Man he has not been back up to the artwork since creating it but is disappointed to see it go.

He said: ‘I am gutted to see it go. You can’t imagine what I went through and then all that work just disappears.’

The stonework has been mired in controversy but, for many, it has become an accepted landmark. This was reflected in Facebook comments on the Isle of Man Today Facebook page.

Michael Garrett posted: ‘I think we should get a team of volunteers together and paint it back to white again. It was doing no harm whatsoever.’

Val Duggan believes we should have more pride in being Manx.

She said: ‘Sadly when Manx patriot people try to show how proud we are of our island, our identity and our heritage there is always someone trying to ruin it.

‘People need to realise we are very proud Manxies who want to keep our beloved island as Manx as possible and be proud to wave our national flag.’

Norman Rivers believes the three legs is no different to other landmark art pieces dotted around other parts of the British Isles.

He said: ‘If Yorkshire can have its white horse which is huge in comparison, what harm is there in the three legs of Man? If Banksy had created the artwork it would be worth a fortune!’

Abigail Burns also feels the move to paint the three legs is wrong and referenced the proposals for wind turbines at Earystane.

She said: ‘I just can't fathom the mean spiritedness of someone to have done something like this. Makes zero sense.

‘It was extremely popular with Manx and visitors and looked brilliant on drone and TT footage. If you want to protest about desecration of Manx nature and countryside go squat in Earystane.’

However, not everyone is sad to see the artwork disappear.

Jane Hall said: ‘Thank God it’s gone in my opinion. It looked awful. Glad to see it back to how it should look.’