Armed Forces Day was celebrated in Douglas on Sunday.

Led by a contingent of veterans from the Moddey Dhoo Motorcycle Club, some of the island’s serving military personnel joined reservists, cadets and other veterans on a parade from Regent Street to the Villa Marina.

A contingent of veterans from the Moddey Dhoo Motorcycle Club
A contingent of veterans from the Moddey Dhoo Motorcycle Club (Photo: Government House) (Government House)

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor Sir John Lorimer took the salute by Douglas War Memorial.

The parade then mustered in the Royal Hall of the Villa Marina, where His Excellency led a moment of silence, followed by a round of applause in memory of those who served in the events around D Day in 1944.

The parade mustered in the Villa Marina's Royal Hall (Photo: Government House)
The parade mustered in the Villa Marina's Royal Hall (Photo: Government House) (Government House)

During the ceremony, His Excellency presented a number of prestigious awards.

First, the Lieutenant Governor's award was presented to Ann Wilson, in recognition of her long service to the Royal British Legion in the Isle of Man.

Sir John Lorimer presenting the Governor's award to Ann Wilson
Sir John Lorimer presenting the Governor's award to Ann Wilson (Photo: Government House) (Government House)

King William's College Combined Cadet Force received the Major Charles Wilson Memorial Award for community engagement for a project by their Standard Bearer Team.

His Excellency was also delighted to present Cadet Regimental Sergeant Major Thomase Morris with his rank badge in recognition of his promotion.

Cadet RSM Morris has excelled throughout his time as a cadet and is hoping to go to Sandhurst to train as an officer in the British Army.

The afternoon culminated with a fly past by two Hawk T2 jets from RAF Valley.