The Isle of Man will celebrate the annual Armed Forces Day this weekend.

The day is billed as a chance to show support for the men and women who make up the island’s armed forces community - from current serving troops to service families, veterans and cadets.

Sunday’s events will begin at 1pm when the gardens of the Villa Marina open to the public.

On display there will be a range of stalls featuring armed forces charities and a children's funfair.

Organisers say visitors will also be entertained by live music and various food concessions.

The main feature of the day will be a parade of serving personnel, veterans, cadet organisations and other uniformed organisations in the island such as the emergency services.

The parade will begin at 2pm, marching along Douglas Promenade from Regent Street to the Villa Marina, where the Lieutenant Governor Sir John Lorimer will take the salute.

His Excellency had a distinguished military career prior to be appointed the island’s Governor in 2021.

He served in the Parachute Regiment before being made commander of the 12th Mechanized Brigade.

He was later appointed the Chief of Joint Operations and the Defence Senior Adviser to the Middle East and North Africa, having served in Iraq and Afghanistan. At 4pm the inside of the Villa Marina will open for a free buffet tea in the Colonnade and Promenade Suites; the Villa bar will also be open before the day concludes around 5pm.

There will be a separate social event in the evening specifically for the Armed Forces community, their friends and families.