Barclays bank has confirmed it will close its Ramsey branch later this year.

The banking giant says it was a ‘difficult decision’ to close the company’s site in Parliament Street - telling customers it’s ‘sorry for any inconvenience it may cause’.

The bank will close permanently on April 11, 2025.

Customers wanting take-up the company’s banking services in person will have to do so at the Victoria Street branch in Douglas, which is located around 15 miles away, once the Ramsey site closes.

Last June, the Ramsey branch cut its opening hours to just two days per week.

A statement from Barclays at the time said it chose those hours as that was the time is when customers visit most.

It added that it was reviewing the services its branches offer, taking into account the online options it had available.

In its latest announcement to customers, Barclays said it will ‘make sure you and your local community continue to have access to banking services when you need them’.

The full statement to customers reads: ‘We’re writing to let you know we’ve taken the difficult decision to close this branch (Ramsey) on April 11, 2025.

‘We realise this might not be welcome news and are sorry for any inconvenience it may cause.

‘However, we’d also like to take this opportunity to reassure you that we are still here for you in our branch in Douglas and will continue to support you face-to-face in Ramsey, up to the date we close.

‘We’ll be closing our Ramsey branch on April 11, but we’ll make sure you and your local community continue to have access to our banking services when you need them - whether at our Douglas branch in the Isle of Man, or in a different way via our digital services.’

One Ramsey commissioner has said the closure of another bank in Ramsey high street is a ‘big issue for many people who aren’t online’.

Lamara Craine has taken to the Ramsey Community Pinboard group on Facebook to suggest a ‘collaborative bank facility hub’ in Ramsey.

She said: ‘HSBC, Barclays and others could combine their facilities and provisions in one building with tellers having their separate booths. Just an idea!’

It meant the ancient capital has no banks or counter services, with Lloyds Bank branch previously shutting in 2020.

At the time, Barclays said its reason for closure followed 'an extensive review of the number of clients visiting us in Castletown'.

This latest bank closure in Ramsey comes after Lloyds announced it would close its Ramsey branch in November last year.

Lloyds said it had taken the decision to close the branch in Parliament Street due to more people banking online.

It said that between 2018 and 2023, those banking in person at the branch fell by a third.

Lloyds Bank will shut permanently on February 10, 2025.

The Isle of Man Bank still have a branch open throughout the week in Ramsey, also on Parliament Street.