The Isle of Man's Infrastructure Minister, Dr. Michelle Haywood, says Castletown Commissioners must demonstrate community and business support for their decision to pedestrianise the town’s Market Square during the winter months.

The closure of the square to vehicles has sparked debate, culminating in a public meeting in November 2024 at Morton Hall, where concerns were aired.

Dr. Haywood addressed the issue in the House of Keys last week, explaining that her department had been in regular contact with the commissioners throughout the development of the pedestrianisation plan.

Discussions were held via phone and email, and the department carefully reviewed public feedback, including a petition with 150 signatures supporting the closure, she said.

‘Given the concerns raised, I met with the relevant highway officer to ensure that due process was followed,’ Dr. Haywood said.

‘The department has considered responses from the consultation period and issues raised at the public meeting.’

A temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) has been implemented to allow Castletown Commissioners time to assess whether the initiative achieves its goals.

Dr. Haywood said that the success of the scheme rests on support from both businesses and residents.

‘The commissioners need to “prove or disprove” whether this concept works,’ she said.

‘We’ve summarised it as “use it or lose it.”

‘The department will continue to engage with them to address the concerns raised.’

The trial pedestrianisation is similar to the steps taken for the closure of the square during the summer, with the temporary order providing a framework to evaluate the closure’s wider impact.

The commissioners are expected to gather further feedback and refine their proposals before any decision on a permanent closure is made.

Castletown’s Market Square has been shut to traffic every summer for the last few years, a move which has proved popular with some residents and visitors.