Replacement steelwork for the next two bays of Ramsey pier have been lifted into position.
The operation marks a major step in the completion of phase two of the ambitious restoration project.
New steelwork, including the main trusses, cross sections and bracing beams was installed on bay 7 after the Isle of Man TT fortnight. Favourable tides last Tuesday gave pier trust volunteers a small window of opportunity to get one girder in on bay eight.
But thanks to an early start, they managed to get all three in place.
The old iron girders on bay 8 had been removed in the same week that the replacement steel for bay 7 was lifted in, leaving the pier effectively cut in two.
But the scaffolding deck which spans the two bays is connected around the legs, so ensuring the structure was secure pending the installation of the replacement girders.

Replacement steelwork for the first few bays was craned in but for phase two a telehandler operating from the beach has been used.
Volunteers with the Queen’s Pier Restoration Trust signed a five-year lease with the government in 2017 to restore the first three bays if the Victorian landmark.
This was completed within four years, with the project quickly becoming a real community effort.
An extension to the lease was signed in 2021, allowing volunteers to focus on phase two, which goes up to bay eight.
Bays four and five were completed in time for an event to mark the King’s Coronation and bay six was finished last autumn.
If all goes to plan, bays seven and eight will be completed by the end of summer.
The cost of the steel has increased since the project began, from £35,000 a bay to £56,000. There are 60 bays in total.