A billionaire’s plans to erect two wind turbines at his mansion overlooking Port Erin have been rejected.

Planning committee members went against the proposal Cheeseden Investment Ltd, owned by property magnate John Whittaker, to install the two turbines to supply electricity to his home at Ballaman.

Members voted five to two against the application despite the planning officer recommending it for approval.

With a maximum height of 11.5m to the tips of the blades, they would have been seen from miles.

Objectors argued they would spoil views in an area of exceptional natural beauty, which includes the Raad-ny-Foillan coastal footpath and the Neolithic stone circle at Meayll Hill.

A previous application to erect three 10Kw turbines at Ballaman (14/00653/B) was refused due to the potential impact on airport operations and aircraft safety, and also on its visual impact.

Hugh Davidson, who lives near Ballaman, was one of those who spoke out against the plans during the planning committee meeting on Monday, alongside Arbory and Rushen Commissioners.

After the meeting, Mr Davidson said: ‘Of course, we are pleased by this decision but Mr Whittaker will no doubt appeal. There were 100 objections with the last application and there were 25 this time.

‘We are concerned how long this will go on for. Is he just going to keep appealing and submitting more applications?

‘We have someone here trying to impose his will on the community.’

Chairman Peter Gunn spoke on behalf of the commissioners and also expressed his relief at the committee’s decision.

He said: ‘My initial reaction is that we are pleased of course. There could have been a precedent set which may have invited further urbanisation of this beautiful landscape which is benefitting just one man.

‘I am not against wind turbines but they have to be put in the right place. Our countryside and heritage are very important.’

Mr Davidson put forward several arguments against the application during the committee meeting.

He said: ‘The north part of Bradda Head is unspoiled with no buildings but Mull peninsula opposite is already dominated by the Ballaman estate which is gradually urbanising this national rural asset. Wind turbines are fine in the right place but Mull peninsula is the wrong place.’

Mr Gunn also spoke and told committee members the proposal went against the Area Local Plan and that national environmental targets should not supersede it.

A representative for the applicant told members the turbines were small in comparison to others and that large ones installed by utility companies generally stood at around 125-150m tall while the proposed turbines were just 11.5m.

He also argued against the plans setting a precedent and said every application has to be viewed on its individual merits.