A billionaire’s plans to erect two wind turbines at his mansion overlooking Port Erin have been recommended for approval - despite a raft of objections.

Cheeseden Investment Ltd, owned by property magnate John Whittaker, is seeking consent to erect two wind turbines to supply electricity to his home at Ballaman.

With a maximum height of 13m to the tips of the blades, they would be seen from miles.

Objectors say they will spoil views in an area of exceptional natural beauty, which includes the Raad-ny-Foillan coastal footpath and the Neolithic stone circle at Meayll Hill.

The application (23/00750/B) will go before the planning committee on Monday and has been recommended for approval.

A previous application to erect three 10Kw turbines at Ballaman (14/00653/B) was refused due to the potential impact on airport operations and aircraft safety, and also on its visual impact.

But this time, planning officer Hamish Laird has recommended approval, concluding: ‘It is considered that the environmental benefits of the proposed scheme outweigh the limited identified harm to the countryside.’

More than 20 objections to the application have been lodged.

One neighbour said: ‘The proposed wind turbines would dramatically alter the character of the area and may diminish the natural charm that draws people to this rural countryside.’

A resident in Port Erin said: ‘What and who and how many local people will these two eyesores benefit? Not convinced of any beneficial value to Port Erin residents.’

Another said: ‘This will be very unsightly in an area of outstanding natural beauty - Port Erin is already becoming very overdeveloped.’

Rushen MHK, House of Keys Speaker Juan Watterson had opposed the previous application for wind turbines at Ballaman.

He said: ‘I believe the points made then are every bit as applicable as they are now. I would be more sensitive to this proposal if the turbines were feeding into the national grid creating communal benefit, rather than for one individual.’

Manx National Heritage voiced concern over the impact on birdlife and particularly the resident choughs, a view echoed by the government’s ecosystem policy team which requested an ecological appraisal on the impact of other bird species including hen harriers. Isle of Man Airport said it had been working in conjunction with the developer and was satisfied the proposal ‘does not penetrate any of our protected surfaces’.

But it said a specialist assessment should be carried out at the applicant’s cost, as a condition of any planning consent, to prove that the proposal has no effect on navigational aids. John Whittaker is listed as one of three beneficial owners of Cheeseden Investments Ltd, based at Billown Mansion, Malew.

Plans for a ground mounted solar array at Ballaman were approved in 2022.