It is now expected that the Bottleneck car park will remain as such during the TT period following the cancellation of the Hooded Ram TT Festival.
The event was scrapped due to the company being unable to confirm a designated official.
Council leader David Christian said: ’The council is in no way responsible for the cancellation of Hooded Ram’s festival in the Bottleneck car park. It is solely due to the company’s unresolved licensing issues.
’The council has always been fully supportive of Hooded Ram’s plans to stage the festival again this year after the company demonstrated its competence in putting on a successful attraction in the Bottleneck over TT fortnight in 2018.
’While regrettable, the event’s cancellation is totally out of our control and the council will continue to work closely with the Hooded Ram with a view to the company securing all the appropriate licences and returning to the Bottleneck car park for TT 2020.’
Mr Christian added that in light of the news, the Bottleneck would, most likely be used as a car park.