BreatheEasy Isle of Man is celebrating its 10 year anniversary.
The support group of Asthma + Lung UK, formerly the British Lung Foundation, held a lunch with members and invited guests including the head of support groups and volunteering at Asthma + Lung UK, Petra McCauley, who travelled to the island to join the celebration.
Ms McCauley thanked BreatheEasy members for their fundraising activities, which continue to help the local community with support and medical aids.
She also noted that their donations to lung health research to secure benefits for future generations.
A donation of £10,000 was presented to Ms McCauley ahead of the lunch to support further research into childhood asthma.
On receipt of the cheque, Ms McCauley said: ‘You have always been great advocates for the organisation and over the past 10 years have supported us in many ways.
‘The work you do to support those with lung conditions in the Isle of Man is inspiring.
‘It was an honour to be invited to your 10 year anniversary celebration and meet so many of you.
‘We are so grateful for this £10,000 donation, given by an anonymous benefactor, which will help us to continue to fight for breathlessness to be taken seriously.’
Following the lunch Zoe Cannell, former Manx Bard, paid tribute in verse to the founders of the charity and the commitment of members during the last 10 years.
The support group hold fundraising events and awareness days throughout the year, host monthly meetings and Tai Chi sessions.
More information can be found at, on the BreatheEasy Isle of Man Facebook page, or by contacting Bill Osland on 855008.