Manx Telecom’s plans to roll-out ultra-fast broadband in the north of the island have suffered a setback.

It had submitted a series of applications to erect telegraph poles to carry overhead network cables in Ramsey, Andreas and Ballaugh.

But this week the planning committee rejected all but one of the applications, giving consent to a single 9m pole in Ballasteen Drive, Andreas.

Manx Telecom has previously warned that planning issues could delay the roll-out of high-speed broadband.

In a statement, it said it was ‘disappointed’ by the outcome of this week’s planning committee meeting and is ‘carefully considering’ its options.

The rejected applications were for five 9m telegraph poles with associated overhead wires in Marlborough Crescent, 12 on the Claughbane estate and six on Fairways Drive, all in Ramsey.

MT also failed to get permission to erect four 9m poles in Larivane Close and 11 in the Ballalough estate, both Andreas, and five 9m and one 10m pole at Ballaterson Fields in Ballaugh as well nine 9m poles in Howe Road, Onchan.

The government’s National Broadband Plan, which has Tynwald approval, has a target of bringing ultrafast fibre broadband to more than 99% of properties island-wide by August this year.

Some £12.5m of government funding has been made available to ensure properties in nine intervention zones, including Ramsey, get high speed broadband access.

Ramsey Town Commissioners objected to the plans to install overhead cables. Objections were also received from eight neighbours in Marlborough Crescent, Marlborough Way and Clifton Drive, complaining that the poles would be too large and unsightly.

Manx Telecom said installation of new wooden telegraph poles was the preferred method where there is no existing underground duct.

Senior planning officer Jason Singleton had recommended approval, concluding the benefits of improved broadband connectivity outweighed the visual harm and the level of objection.