Bus Vannin has explained why many of its vehicles are a little dirty at the moment.

The company has explained the automatic bus wash has broken down and a new part has been ordered which has yet to arrive.

It also says the recent salting of the roads has not helped matters.

A number of key roads and routes across were gritted during the first week of January after the Isle of Man was hit by wintry conditions.

Posting on social media, Bus Vannin said: You may have noticed that our buses have been a little bit dirty recently. Trust us, we noticed a long time before you did, and it’s not something that we’re proud of.

‘This is all a result of the automatic bus wash having broken before Christmas. We have been chasing delivery of the replacement part every day, but it still hasn’t arrived.’

A dirty bus returning to the Bank's Circus depot
A dirty bus returning to the Bank's Circus depot (Media IoM)

The company explained the only way to clean them is by hand which is a slower process.

It continued: ‘Hand washing is the only alternative and while we have been trying to keep on top of things, the additional salt and grit on the roads during the cold weather has made it a bit more challenging.

‘Gary and Matty have managed to wash eight today, but it takes a bit longer to wash a bus than it does a car!’

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