More than 300 staff have given the thumbs-up to a ’dynamic’ new way of working at the headquarters of a global insurance company based in the island.

Employees are encouraged to sit at a different desk every day and the ’flexible’ approach also means they can work from home.

’It’s a whole new way of working,’ said Peter Huber, the 46-year-old Swiss chief executive of Zurich International.

Speaking from the company’s new offices on Isle of Man Business Park Mr Huber, who has been CEO since September, told Business News: ’It’s really about dynamic working.

’People come in in the morning and they will choose the desk they want to sit at for the day.

’The teams can sit wherever they want and it’s all about dynamic working. We think it is very positive.’

Mr Huber said that at the end of their shift employees ’pack their belongings, put them into their individual lockers and then in the morning come in and decide where they want to sit.’

Not only that Mr Huber said workers can also work from home.

He said: ’If on a given day you prefer to work from home because [for example] you are doing things that don’t require interaction with your peers, then you can work from home. You just log in [from home] and that’s it.’

’It’s a whole new way of working and that’s what we are encouraging.

’It’s a great employee proposition and allows for flexibility.

’It’s not about how many hours you spend in the office, it’s about driving output and delivering and that’s what we are trying to encourage.’

He said dynamic working was something Zurich had been rolling out at its offices around the world.

’We have 54,000 employees across 190 locations and it works well.

’It’s becoming the standard in the Zurich world.’

Mr Huber spoke to Business News shortly before Zurich House was officially unveiled in an event attended by staff and official guests that included the chief minister Howard Quayle and Karen Badgerow, CEO of the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority.

The island’s lieutenant governor Sir Richard Gozney also attended the launch.

And hours before, all the staff had come together for a big meeting at a hotel in Douglas. Mr Huber said: ’I’ve never seen so much energy and people being engaged. I could feel a lot of energy.’

Business News spoke to staff who said they backed the move to ’dynamic working.’

One woman who has years of experience with Zurich, said her team were getting used to changing desks every day. Desks could also be adapted so employees can stand up to work if they so wished.

She said she thought everyone was coming on board with the new way of working

CEO Mr Huber said the new headquarters represented a ’a big milestone’ for Zurich having previously been based in Athol Street, Douglas for many years.

He said: ’This is a purpose- built office here for our staff and I think it is important to give them a working place that allows them to be at their best and perform every day in a very competitive environment. We have business across the globe and competition out there is tough.

Mr Huber said there is never an easy market and ’we are seeing regulations becoming more complex.’

There was for instance a whole suite of European Union regulations and in the Middle East there was a new regulatory regime happening, ’and that keeps us on our toes.’

He added: ’Customers are more demanding because obviously there is choice. New technology has allowed customers to make much more informed decisions.

’Nowadays information costs nothing [through internet searches] and that is putting the industry under a good pressure. I think it is good that we are evolving in a more customer-centric and friendly [way] , and those are the times we are in.

’I actually find it exciting and it really allows us to reinvent ourselves.

’Out of a position of strength this is a very good business here and we have grown over many, many years.’

The decision to leave Athol Street was done before Mr Huber arrived last autumn.

’Athol Street was a combination of three different offices and in the end it was very unfunctional. It was an old style office and this is a modern, bright office.

Mr Huber said the company had looked at the feedback from staff over the new way of working. ’There have been no complaints around the new way of working.

’It’s good for the employees. It leads to motivation and ultimately is good for the company and also good for the island. The insurance industry and financial services is [still] a big part of the island’s economy.

’We have been innovative in how we have created this building and we hope others in the island will follow.’

Award-winning developer Dandara built Zurich’s new premises and it has great ’green’ credentials.

It is understood to be the first major Isle of Man office development to be completed to BREEAM standards, which is an assessment process promoting low impact design and sustainable buildings, which helps to reduce carbon emissions and protect ecological value.

Mr Huber said it was proving cheaper to be in the new offices rather than staying in Athol Street.

It was also encouraged as far as possible that local builders and tradesmen were used during the construction of the three-storey office.

Mr Huber added the move indicated the company’s commitment to the Isle of Man.

He said: ’We like it here in the Isle of Man, it’s a friendly place to do business .

’We are very close with the regulator and there is a good dialogue and collaboration so I think it is clearly a statement for us being based here.’

Mr Huber said his last job was running Zurich’s business in Jakarta, Indonesia and before that he was based in Singapore.

Chief minister Howard Quayle told an audience of more than 400 people that it was a great pleasure to be there to celebrate the important milestone ’in the journey of Zurich International Life.

’As chief minister I am delighted to see a well established and a respected company demonstrating its long term commitment to the Isle of Man.

’Such a major investment in bricks and mortar in our people and in our future is a cause for celebration.

’It is a tremendous show of confidence in the Isle of Man and its economy.

’And it sends out a powerful message to the global community that we are an island of substance.

’I believe we have a positive story to tell.

’Government and private enterprise must continue to work in partnership to showcase the qualities that make our island such a special place to live and work.

’Together we can dispel the tired myths and misconceptions, the sort of inaccuracies perpetutated by the recent Panorama programme. Together we can highlight the Isle of Man as a responsible and forward thinking international business centre.

’This is crucial if we are to continue to flourish. We want to attract new investment to fund our essential public services and to create the well paid jobs that put money in the pockets of our hard working people. Zurich International Life has been an important part of the island’s success for more than three decades.

’Much has changed in that time but the value of good customer service, innovation and integrity remains as vital as ever. Your professionalism and vision and the hard work of your staff has served the Isle of Man’s reputation as a centre of excellence.

’The opening of this building represents an exciting new chapter for this company.’

lThe company presented cheques to three charities based on an earlier staff poll.

Isle of Man Hospice received £5,000, the Alzheimer’s Society in the island received £4,000 and the Isle of Man Foodbank received £3,000.

The new Zurich House on Isle of Man Business Park has ’green’ credentials and allows flexible working