In the cool, air-conditioned room at Capital International’s offices in Douglas, I sat opposite Harry Catlow, Alicia Woodward, Dulcie Teare, and Megan Smart - a cohort of the company’s employees who’ve all been doing wonders for charity.

The group is raising money for the Huruma Project, an initiative created by Capital Chairman Anthony Long to help the Huruma Orphanage.

It was set up in Tanzania in 2012 and looks after children between the ages of 4 and 17, giving them a safe place to live, while also providing a basic education. Long came across the orphanage after climbing Kilimanjaro and discovered it was at risk of being shut down.

The people running Huruma didn’t own the land or buildings and the landlord was looking to sell.

Wanting to do something to help, Anthony, along with the help of Capital employees, raised £22 thousand to buy the land and save the orphanage.

Last year, a team of 12 from the company went out to help with construction and maintenance work on the buildings and came back describing it as a humbling and life changing experience.

Harry, Alicia, Dulcie and Megan are making up part of the team going out this year, where they’ll focus more on spending time with the children living there.

‘I’m feeling really excited’, says Harry.

He believes it’s important for established companies to give something back to the community.

‘It sounds like it helps put the important things in life into perspective. We take a lot for granted over here and the standard / quality of life is completely different over there.

‘And because we have strong roots in Africa generally, (Capital International has a branch in South Africa) I think it’s incredibly important for us as a business to be contributing positively in that area.’

This year’s Huruma Project team will spend 5 days at the orphanage, helping with facility maintenance, farming, and doing activities with the children.

‘Some of the kids will be only a few years younger than me’, 20-year-old Dulcie tells me, eyes sparkling with youthful enthusiasm, after I asked what compelled her to take part. ‘I think it will be eye opening to see the difference in how we live our lives and it’s so important to have this opportunity to help and give back.’

Alicia – a woman with an inspiring air about her - has recently returned from South Africa after climbing Table Mountain.

She shared that she’d suffered some personal challenges that inspired a new perspective on life for her. ‘Life really is short, so when opportunities come up, jump at them, say yes, do it, give back. It’s about leaving a lasting legacy. And if you can leave the world a little bit better than how you found it, that’s a really good thing.’

Nodding in agreement with her co-worker, Megan – an immediately friendly person – told me about something that happened when she was a child that has stuck with her ever since and acts as a regular reminder to give back.

‘I was 9 years old and was in Kenya with my family on a safari trip for mum’s birthday. During the safari, my dad went and got me a Kit-Kat from the shop but by the time he’d got back to the Jeep it had melted.

I told him I didn’t want it anymore because it was too messy.

And the driver turned and asked if he could take it for his daughter because she’d never tasted chocolate before.

That moment really stuck with me and that’s what lead me to jump at opportunities to volunteer.’

Ahead of their trip to Tanzania, the team has been putting on lots of events locally to raise money for the orphanage.

Megan recently hosted a Bingo night, supported by Bright Life, Mad Jacks, Java, and Morgan Thompson (no 52), all of who donated prizes.

She also has a raffle coming up where people have the chance to win a Mini Moto signed by TT riders. You’ll find her and the Mini Moto with Alicia at a Bushy’s stand on 7th June, where Alicia will also be auctioning off TT rider merch.

Dulcie is getting her steps in to raise funds by doing both the Parish Walk AND hiking Kilimanjaro. And on 3rd August, Harry is hosting a charity gig at Mad Jacks made up of 3 or 4 local bands, with all money going to Huruma.