Half of the island’s homes and businesses now have ultrafast fibre broadband.
The Department for Enterprise (DfE) and Manx Telecom announced this as the programme as it completes the first year of a four-year rollout.
Last year, Manx Telecom was awarded a £10 million contract to deliver ultrafast fibre broadband in nine ’intervention zones’ across the island as part of the island’s National Broadband Plan (NBP). The NBP zones are remote, difficult to reach areas where around 25% of premises and homes are located and, typically, where providing high speed broadband services is likely to be commercially unviable.
This is running together with Manx Telecom’s commercial rollout of fibre broadband.
An additional £1.5 million was provided in August 2021 to reduce the programme from five years to four.
Richard Oliphant, head of telecoms and infrastructure at the government’s Digital Isle of Man agency, said: ’We are quickly progressing in our ambitious target of securing a fully connected future for the island and our goal of reaching 75% of premises within three years.
’It is fantastic to see the work progressing at such pace.
’Keeping our island connected is an absolute priority for us as it not only supports our residents at a time when remote working is commonplace, but it also provides them with reliable connectivity as we all seek to stay in communication with friends and family across the globe.
’Last year we saw the Isle of Man jump up 23 places in worldwide broadband speed rankings, and we will see this continue as more of our premises are passed and more of our residents are connected.
’At the end of the rollout we hope to see the Isle of Man significantly further up the global broadband speeds table, making the island an attractive place for not only residents but for businesses to grow and succeed.’