Financial services provider Standard Bank Isle of Man has donated £500 to Peel lifeboat.

The RNLI branch in Peel has been a part of the island's history and community since 1828 and this year the charity as a whole is celebrating 200 years of service to the island.

The Peel branch plays a key role in providing rescue services and promoting maritime safety, responding to call outs primarily off the west of the island in the Irish sea.

The Douglas-based bank’s leadership team had the opportunity to meet the crew at the Peel station and see first-hand the impact of the time and dedication that they volunteer.

During their visit, they were given a tour of the crew’s new state-of-the-art Shannon class lifeboat with its launch and recovery rig, as well as the crew’s facilities.

This cutting-edge equipment ensures that the station can respond swiftly and effectively to emergencies, safeguarding lives at sea.

Chief executive and island head Lee Francis expressed the bank's enthusiasm to support the cause: ‘With a long history of supporting organisations and charities in the island, Standard Bank Offshore is proud to support the charity that plays a vital role in our community’s safety and well-being. ‘We are deeply committed to supporting our local community and enhancing the lives of those living in the jurisdictions in which we operate.

‘We are delighted to support such a crucial part of the Isle of Man’s safety and are honoured to support the lifesaving work of the RNLI Peel branch as they celebrate their 200th anniversary.

‘We believe in building strong, resilient communities and partnerships, both within our offices and in the island as a whole.

‘Support for great charities like this one are at the heart of that mission.’ To find out more about Standard Bank, visit: