Registration is now open for the government’s third annual conference, which is set to take place on September 17 and 18 at the Comis Hotel in Santon.

A government spokesperson said the two-day event ‘promises invaluable insights and direct engagement with government leaders on vital business-related topics’.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to speak with the Chief Minister Alfred Cannan along with other ministers and a range of panellists.

Sessions set down for the two-day event include presentations on economic development and an update from the Treasury; Presentations and discussions on the island’s future travel connectivity; A dedicated panel focusing on the Isle of Man Skills Board and Strategy and policy shaping discussions on incentives to shape migration to support skills demand; A presentation on activating AI in the Isle of Man and updates on the future shape of public service deliver.

Next month’s conference will also feature a range of interactive sessions, including round-table workshops on enhancing the Isle of Man’s business proposition.

Chief Minister Alfred Cannan added: ‘The conference will provide the chance for government to update on and discuss topics focused on our economic challenges.  The 2024 agenda is designed to provide deeper insights and foster meaningful conversations on key topics central to this theme.

‘Whilst the focus for the conference this year is on business and the economy, the Council of Ministers have committed to holding “Listening to You” roadshow events across the island again in spring 2025.

‘These combined initiatives will give the community opportunities to engage directly with ministers, fostering open communication and engagement on critical areas of government policy and performance.’

To view the full agenda and register for the conference, log on to: Attendees will be able to select specific sessions of interest during the registration process.

The previous two conferences have taken place at the Villa Marina with 754 people attending the conference last year. More than 1,000 attended the 2022 event.