University College Isle of Man’s (UCM) next Learn4Life event on September 26 will focus on building the core skillsets that employers are seeking in the current market.

The event, which is free to attend, will be held at the Santander Work Café on North Quay in Douglas at 4.30pm.

It will explore the topic of workplace skills for the future, how you can build these skills to advance in your current role, seek a new one or return to work and why it is important that employers continue to invest in future proofing and developing their employee’s workplace skills.

During the presentation, exec leadership and mindset coach, and UCM governor, Carol Glover, will share her own career journey to chief executive, built on progressive upskilling and personal growth.

Carol said: ‘Building core workplace skills now, like effective communication, resilience and grit, problem solving, critical thinking and adaptability, alongside honing digital skills, enables people, whatever industry they are in now, to progress.

‘I love co-creating with others to build a successful and exciting career and future.’

Kerry Birchall, who manages UCM’s adult learning provision added: ‘This is our third Learn4Life event; a series which is designed to support the island’s industries with upskilling and lifelong learning by exploring current trends and emerging topics.

‘Each event has a different focus, having covered sustainability and AI earlier in the year, we’re now turning our focus to those essential skills that are not just important for people already in work to develop, but are incredibly important for adults who are looking to return to the workplace.’

The Learn4Life series is designed to support the island’s businesses with upskilling and lifelong learning by exploring current trends and emerging topics.

UCM say the events are a great opportunity for continued professional development (CPD) as well as networking and next month’s event is open to employees, employers and anyone looking to get back into the workplace.

To find out more and to register for this free event, visit