The weekend proved to be a busy one for the police with a number of collisions, trees down and dozens of speeders.
Sunday resulted in three Mountain Road crashes with challenging weather conditions while a large tree fell down on the New Castletown Road just after Quarterbridge. All four incidents resulted in lengthy road closures.
One car ended up in a ditch and another car was badly damaged. Thankfully, there were no serious injuries as a result of the incidents.
Posting on Facebook, the Isle of Man Constabulary Roads Policing Unit said: ‘Well the weather certainly kept many people indoors today! Despite this however, between trees down in Douglas, and road traffic collisions on the Mountain Road, we've still had a busy day!
‘Today (Sunday) we've responded to three road traffic collisions on the Mountain Road, all resulting in prolonged closures while we dealt with the scenes. Thankfully no serious injuries were sustained!’
Officers also handed out 10 fixed penalties for speeding, two fixed penalties for driving without due care and attention following a road traffic collision, one fixed penalty for not wearing a seatbelt and seven vehicle defect rectification.
Commenting on the person not wearing a seatbelt, the post added: ‘Statistically, wearing a seatbelt reduces your risk of sustaining fatal injuries by around 50% if involved in a collision.
‘So here's the question, why wouldn't you wear one (legal exemptions aside)? Having been to many collisions and witnessing the devastation caused to both the person involved, and the family / loved ones, I'm struggling to find a reason. So today's message is simple once again, buckle up, don't end up regretting your choice. Thankfully, those involved in collisions today wore their seatbelts!’

Saturday also proved to be a busy day with 20 fixed penalty notices for speeding, one vehicle seized for being driven without a licence, a summons to court for no licence and speeding ), one fixed penalty for driving without due care and attention and six vehicle defect rectification notices issued.
The post said: ‘In the last five years, 50 people have been killed or seriously injured on the Mountain Road. This does not include racing incidents, and sadly, needs updating in the new year. We'll say no more.’
The force also responded to accusations the fines issued are just a money-making exercise for the benefit of officers.
The post said: ‘The money from fines does not go to the police or our Xmas party. We carry out our enforcement activity for one reason only, to keep everyone safe!’