Calls have been made for an increase to be made in pay offers received in respect of Public Services Commission employees.

Trade union Prospect’s negotiations officer Mick Hewer believes that the three-year offer that has been made by the Public Services Commission falls below expectations, and Prospect members are currently being balloted to ascertain their views.

Mr Hewer also believes that the offer will ultimately be rejected.

The offer made by the Public Services Commission comes after announcements that the UK Government has accepted Pay Review Body recommendations affecting public sector workers which will result in inflation pay awards. The offer made to the joint unions who represent Public Services Commission employees comprises of a 3.25% increase effective in 2024/2025, 2.5% in 2025/2026 and 2% in 2026/2027.

Mr Hewer commented: ‘I wish to reiterate that we have seen the UK Government accept the recommendations made by the Pay Review Bodies and those recommendations will see above inflation pay increases for the first time in decades being applied to public sector workers across the UK.

‘What we have been offered by comparison is cuts to our members pay once the effects of inflation has been considered. Additionally, recent pay awards have been eroded by increases in taxation.’

Additionally, the Public Services Commission offer being balloted on remains below that already offered to groups of staff working within Manx Care for the 2024/2025 financial year.

A spokesperson from Prospect said: ‘Nursing staff employed under Manx pay terms and conditions (Manx Care) have been offered 3.5% for the year 2024/2025, which is significantly lower than that being applied to the pay scales of their colleagues in the UK.’