A birthday party is being held in Peel on Saturday to celebrate a famous resident’s fifth birthday.

Moonlight the bottlenose dolphin has become a regular sight in the bay and now the Manx Whale and Dolphin Watch (MWDW) is holding a celebration to mark the birth of her daughter Starlight.

The mother and daughter can be seen breaching in the shadow of Peel Castle, bow-riding vessels and playing with kayakers and paddleboarders.

Moonlight originally hails from the Moray Firth and came to the Isle of Man in 2019 when heavily pregnant, giving birth to Starlight in the September that year.

The celebration will begin at 10am at the MWDW premises in Michael Street. There will be a coffee morning where people can come and enjoy a cuppa and cake while talking about dolphins.

From midday until 4pm there will be a craft afternoon for kids to create a huge wall display honouring Moonlight and Starlight. There will also be a raffle where people can win MWDW merchandise.

The MWDW previously warned people about how to interact with the two dolphins. The marine mammals are at risk of being injured by the likes of boat propellors.

Jen Adams, of MWDW, previously said: ‘Since January 2020, the pair have been on their own, and frequently enter our bays to feed in extraordinarily shallow waters within close proximity to the shoreline.

‘Starlight displays strong “solitary dolphin” attributes, approaching swimmers, paddleboarders and kayakers.

‘It is vital that our local community is educated in what to do and what not to do if approached by these dolphins.

‘We, as the Manx community, have a duty of care to ensure they are safe to enjoy our coastal waters for as long as they choose to remain here.’