The chair of Ramsey Commissioners says the weekend closure of the minor injuries unit at the cottage hospital is a ‘turning of the screw’ to cutting services in the north.

Rob Cowell says he understands savings need to be made, but believes these should be dealt with across central government.

Currently, the unit is closed on Saturdays and Sundays, and has been since July this year – with Manx Care saying this has only resulted in an extra six people at Noble’s Hospital per weekend.

Mr Cowell believes there’s ‘apathy’ in the town about the decision.

He said: ‘Manx Care needs to be well aware that Ramsey is here and the north needs servicing. People won’t just stand by and let them be rolled over.

‘Obviously savings need to be made across Manx Care, but my main concern is whether it’s due to overspending or underfunding. This isn’t just a health issue, it’s a central government issue.’