Today, on World Suicide Prevention Day (Tuesday, September 10), Isle Stand Up To Suicide is set up at Marks and Spencer in Douglas, offering support and education to those who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts.

The event aims to break the silence around suicide and encourage open conversations about mental health.

World Suicide Prevention Day is a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness, spreading hope, and taking action to prevent suicide.

Isle Stand Up To Suicide, a local charity, reports that the Isle of Man has seen a ‘significant increase’ in deaths by suicide in recent years, and was the only area in the United Kingdom to see a rise in suicide rates during the Covid-19 pandemic.

A spokesperson for the charity emphasised the importance of talking openly about suicide, dispelling the myth that discussing it could "put the idea" into someone's mind.

‘Opening the conversation can help people find an alternative view of their circumstances, encouraging them to seek help’, they said.

The charity's experience shows that these discussions resonate with those who have faced suicidal thoughts or have lost loved ones to suicide.

The charity aims to encourage the community to ask direct questions like, "Are you having thoughts of suicide?" while also recognising the societal barriers to preventing suicide.

‘We live in a society where mental health and physical health are not on equal par,’ the spokesperson added.

‘Although we have made some strides forward, we’re nowhere near where we should be.

‘We need to prioritise mental health but at the heart of it is tackling inequalities and stigma.’

Isle Stand Up To Suicide offers various forms of support for those in crisis, including a free daily helpline available from 2pm to 10pm, access to volunteer counselors or therapists, and training in the accredited QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention course.

The charity hopes its presence in Douglas today will encourage more people to engage in open conversations about suicide, ultimately helping to prevent further tragedies on the Isle of Man.

You can get in touch with Isle Stand up to Suicide on 803040 (2pm-10pm daily) or find more information HERE.

Alternatively you can reach out to the Samaritans, available 24/7, on 116 123, or find more information HERE.