The public is being asked to put blue lights up in their homes or businesses, to raise awareness for Lung Cancer Awareness Month.

Alternatively, individuals can wear blue, or fundraise for the island branch of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, a charity that aims to increase understanding on the matter, as well as supporting those impacted by lung cancer.

Trudi Hudson, Isle of Man fundraising officer at the charity, said: ‘Whilst it is our constant mission to raise awareness and provide people with information, November Lung Cancer Month strengthens our message to a wider audience.

‘It is everyone’s greatest fear to be told they have cancer, but when that diagnosis is lung cancer, the fear seems to go to another level.

‘With historically stubborn survival rates, lung cancer remains the biggest cancer killer in the UK and the Isle of Man, so it is no surprise that so many people think if you have lung cancer that you are going to die, and die very quickly.

‘This fear can sometimes stop people from seeking out help and acting on symptoms, especially those who have smoke or have smoked with guilt and fear of judgement compounding their inaction.

‘However, when lung cancer is caught early, it can be successfully treated. It can be cured whilst advances in treatment means more people are living well with later stage disease.’

Surgery has evolved and now many people with early stage disease have keyhole surgery which significantly shortens recovery time.

She added: ‘For those facing a later stage disease, the development of new ways to treat lung cancer, such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies, means people are able to live relatively normal lives for many years.’

There are a wide array of symptoms which vary depending on the person. These can range from a persistent cough or shortness of breath, to shoulder pain or clubbing of the fingers, extreme tiredness or loss of appetite.

Trudi added: ‘It is important that if you have any potential symptoms, or even if you just feel generally unwell for a prolonged period of time, that you seek help, regardless of whether you think you fit the profile, or are frightened by what might be found.

‘We continue to lobby for a screening programme in the island. More than 2,000 cases at stage one or two identified in England during targeted screening trials prove that screening is needed and effective.’

Nicole Kelly, a lung cancer nurse specialist, said: ‘Its time lung cancer is perceived as a preventable curative disease and raise the awareness of its signs and symptoms to help our island population have the best chance we can at surviving.’