The Chief Minister has issued a statement to refute allegations made on social media that he had driven while over the legal limit.
Alfred Cannan confirmed that he was breathalysed at his home on Friday evening but he passed the test and police say no offence was committed.
He said in his statement: 'I am conscious of a number of ill-founded speculative stories that are in circulation. I can confirm that on Friday evening an allegation was made that I had driven whilst over the legal limit.
'I cooperated fully with the police and was breathalysed at my home. I passed the breathalyser test and the police confirmed that no offence had been committed.'
The incident took place at the Ginger Hall.
A police spokesman said: 'On the evening on Friday December 8 police investigated an allegation in the north of the island of a person driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.
'Immediate inquiries were carried out and the person was located. They co-operated fully with the police and were breathalysed. The person passed the breathalyser test and the matter was concluded as no offences had been committed.'