A Douglas woman has admitted an offence of threatening behaviour after a row in Strand Street.

Katie Francis O’Brien swore at a woman and told her ‘I’ll smash your face in’ as alarmed witnesses looked on.

The 32-year-old will be sentenced on October 8, after a probation report has been prepared.

She is already subject to an 18 month probation order, imposed in October 2023 after she traded punches with another woman outside the Works in Strand Street.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that the latest offence occurred when O’Brien was seen shouting at a woman in the main street in Douglas, outside Boots on September 18, at 10am.

The woman said that she knew who O’Brien was, but was not friends with her.

O’Brien was said to have told the woman: ‘Get down the lane. I’ll smash your face in. Who are you calling scruffy, you fat ****.’

She was described by a witness as loud and aggressive, and police were called.

O’Brien, who lives at Drury Terrace, was arrested and said: ‘Why isn’t she getting arrested?’

During a police interview, she admitted the offence, and accepted that her behaviour would have caused alarm to the public, but said that she felt she had been provoked by the complainant.

O’Brien claimed that the woman had called her a ‘tramp’, but admitted she had ‘lost her head’.

Defence advocate Paul Rodgers asked for an adjournment so that a probation report could be prepared.