An arrest warrant has been issued for Pavels Malisevs, care of the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company. 

The 27-year-old is accused of stealing a set of Airpods while working on the Manxman.

Mr Malisevs was due to appear in court on Thursday, August 22, but failed to turn up. 

A warrant without bail has now been issued in his name.

It is alleged that Mr Malisevs, from Riga in Latvia, committed the offence on May 12, after a Steam Packet customer said that she left her wireless Bluetooth earbuds, said to be worth £143, on board the Manxman.

He denied stealing the item during a police interview.

Mr Malisev previously appeared in court on August 7.

His case was adjourned until last Thursday (August 22) at the request of duty advocate Kaitlyn Shimmin, to allow time for the defendant to seek further legal advice.

During that hearing, Mr Malisev was granted bail with a recognisance of £2,500.