A motorist, who drove under the influence of cannabis, has been fined £1,000 and banned from the roads for two years.
David James Hensman appeared at Douglas courthouse on Tuesday, March 18, pleading guilty to the offence.
Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered the 52-year-old to take an extended test at the end of his ban.
They saw Hensman in a Peugeot 308, parked in a layby, sitting in the driver’s seat with the car keys.
He was spoken to by officers, who reported a smell of cannabis coming from the vehicle.
A drug wipe test proved positive for the class B drug and he was arrested.
He was taken to police headquarters, where a sample of blood was sent to the UK for analysis.
During a police interview, Hensman, who lives at Pairk Ollay in Ramsey, answered ‘no comment’ to all questions.
The blood sample was returned on February 18, and produced a result of 2.3 for cannabis, above the legal limit of two.
The court heard that the defendant has no previous convictions.
Defence advocate Peter Taylor asked for credit to be given for his client’s immediate guilty plea.
Hensman said he had been using cannabis to combat anxiety, but he was now trying to get a prescription for medicinal cannabis.
Mr Taylor said that the defendant had been only just above the legal limit for the drug on the night in question, but had lost his employment due to the offence, so he would have difficulty paying a financial penalty.
The Deputy High Bailiff ordered Hensman to pay £125 prosecution costs and all amounts will be paid at a rate of £40 per month.