A 26-year-old Castletown driver who injured a cyclist has been fined £1,650 and given a one year driving ban.

Conor Mark Caley admitted an offence of causing serious bodily harm by careless driving.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered him to take an extended driving test at the end of his ban and to pay £50 prosecution costs.

The offence was committed on February 7, when Caley was said to have clipped a cyclist after a momentary lapse of concentration, which resulted in the rider coming off his bike.

The cyclist was said to have suffered a fractured rib, a shoulder injury, and a laceration to the knee, which resulted in him spending two days in hospital.

Information received by the court said that he had returned to work after three weeks, but had not been able to fulfil all his duties, even five months after the collision.

Defence advocate Jane Gray said that her client had tried to help the injured cyclist at the scene, and had assisted police, making admissions in interview.

She asked for credit to be given for Caley’s guilty plea, entered at the first opportunity.

The advocate said that it had been a momentary lapse of concentration and that Caley had tried to change direction, but had unfortunately clipped the cyclist.

The court heard that Caley, who lives at Y Vaarney Yiarg, has no previous convictions.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood said that any compensation claim would be dealt with in civil court.