A 56-year-old drink-driver has been hit with a £2,000 fine and a two year driving ban.

Ian Johnson failed a breathalyser test after he was reported drinking in a pub before leaving in his car.

Magistrates also ordered him to pay £420 for an expert’s report and £125 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Sara-Jayne Dodge told the court that, on May 24, Johnson was at the Manor pub in Willaston.

He consumed two pints of Carling and then left the pub.

A few hours later, he returned and had another pint.

A car alarm was heard in the car park and Johnson went outside to turn it off.

Bar staff said that they had concerns that he had his car keys with him, but he told them: ‘I’ll just keep the keys on me. I’m going to walk home.’

However, a short time later, staff noticed that his car had gone.

Police were called and they saw Johnson at Fenella Avenue, getting out of his car with a four-pack of lager.

When officers spoke to him he was described as smelling of alcohol and unsteady on his feet, but he told them: ‘I haven’t driven.’

After being taken to police headquarters, a breathalyser test produced a reading of 57, above the legal limit of 35.

He was asked if he had been drinking and replied: ‘Yes, three cans.’

An expert’s report was produced in relation to post-driving consumption, which cost £420.

During a police interview, the defendant answered ‘no comment’ to all questions.

Defence advocate Emily Brennan said that her client accepted the facts and asked for credit to be given for his guilty plea.

Ms Brennan said that it had been a short distance driven, of approximately 400 metres, lasting around two minutes.

The advocate said that there had been no report of poor driving or accidents, and that it had been a lapse of judgement on Johnson’s behalf.

She said that he had not wanted to leave his car outside the Manor as it had some valuable items in it.

Magistrates chair Lisa Horton told the defendant: ‘It’s never a wise decision to drive having been drinking.

‘It was such a short distance, but you’re putting both yourself and potentially members of the public at risk.’

Johnson, who lives at Sea Cliff Road in Onchan, will pay all amounts at a rate of £150 per month, and must also take an extended driving test at the end of his ban.