A 24-year-old Ramsey man has admitted drink-driving while being more than double the legal limit.

Ryan Almond failed a breathalyser test with a reading of 95, above the limit of 35.

He has also admitted having a vehicle in a dangerous condition on a separate date.

Almond will be sentenced on November 21 after a probation report has been prepared.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that police saw the defendant, who lives at Queen’s West Drive, driving an Audi A1 at Lezayre Road in Ramsey on September 15, at 4.10am.

They stopped him and when they spoke to him, described him as slurring his words, being unsteady on his feet, and having glazed eyes.

He failed a roadside breathalyser test and was subsequently arrested.

At police headquarters, he took a further test which produced the reading of 95.

On May 29, Almond was stopped at Brookhill Road in Ramsey, while driving an Alfa Romeo.

Police reported that it was in a poor condition, and it was subsequently seized and taken to the test centre, where a vehicle examiner deemed it unroadworthy.

Defence advocate Paul Glover said that, given the high reading, a probation report may be appropriate before sentencing.

Mr Glover said that his client had lost his job as a result of the drink-driving offence.

Bail has been granted in the sum of £500, with conditions to live at his home address, to contact probation and co-operate in the preparation of the report, not to drive, and not to leave the island without court consent.