A man has been jailed for 30 weeks after his seventh driving while disqualified offence.

Jude Sneddon was already subject to a suspended sentence at the time of the latest offence.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood sentenced the 33 year old to 16 weeks custody for driving while disqualified and also activated 14 weeks of his previous suspended sentence, to run consecutively.

Prosecuting advocate Roger Kane told the court that Sneddon, who lives at Heather Crescent in Pulrose, was banned from driving in July last year with an order to take an extended test at the end of his ban.

Despite not having done this, on March 13, police saw him driving a Ford Focus on Westmoreland Road in Douglas, at 2pm.

Defence advocate Stephen Wood referred to a probation report which said that ongoing support was vital for Sneddon.

Mr Wood said that it was accepted that it was asking a lot to not impose a custodial sentence, but that his client did have hopes for the future, and was addressing previous dependency issues.

The advocate also said that Sneddon had an offer of employment.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood referred to the probation report, which said that Sneddon had not been engaging consistently with probation or the drug and alcohol team, and that he had said he was still periodically using drugs.

The report had assessed the defendant as a very high risk of reoffending.

Ms Braidwood told Sneddon: ‘Less than eight months after receiving a suspended sentence for disqualified driving, you do it again.

‘It appears to be a blatant disregard for the order of the court.

‘You have been receiving probation assistance for some time and it hasn’t prevented you from offending.’