A Pulrose man has been fined £550 for being drunk and disorderly and cannabis possession.

Kai Marc Thompson admitted both offences and was also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs by Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that Thompson was stopped by police for a drug search at Senna Road in Douglas on August 16.

The search found 0.8 grams of cannabis bush, valued by police at £8, which was in a grinder in a bag.

Thompson, who is 23, was then said to have become aggressive, and was described as smelling of alcohol, slurring his words, and unsteady on his feet.

Despite numerous warnings from police, he continued shouting and being abusive, claiming that the stop and search had been prejudiced.

He was interviewed the next day, admitted possessing the class B drug and apologised for his behaviour.

Defence advocate Peter Taylor said that his client had been drinking at Quids Inn and the police had asked him to step outside for a drug search, which he had been unhappy about.

Thompson, of Heather Crescent, said he had not realised that the cannabis was in his bag, as he said it was a small amount he had forgotten about.

Mr Taylor said that alcohol may have contributed to the defendant’s behaviour and that the drug offence may have resulted in a caution, had it not been for Thompson already having a previous caution in the past five years.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood fined the defendant £300 for the cannabis possession and £250 for being drunk and disorderly, and ordered him to pay the fine and costs at a rate of £20 per week.