A teenager has been fined £480 for possession of cannabis and amphetamine.

Joseph Sydney Andrew Neil admitted both offences and was also ordered by Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood to pay £125 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Kathryn Johnson told the court that a search warrant was executed by police at Stanley Terrace in Douglas, where the defendant lives, on October 17 last year.

The search found a sandwich bag containing a small quantity of white powder, which was later identified as the class B drug amphetamine, and was valued by police at £10.

Also found was 17.2 grams of cannabis, which police valued at £344.

Nineteen-year-old Neil was interviewed and handed in a prepared statement saying that the drugs were for personal use.

He then answered ‘no comment’ to all questions.

Neil opted to represent himself in court, declining the use of a duty advocate, and said that he recognised that what he did was wrong.

He agreed to pay the fines and costs by November 7.