A 39-year-old shoplifter who stole lager from Winerite in Victoria Road in Douglas has been fined £300.

Phillip Neill Baillie admitted the theft and was also ordered to pay £50 prosecution costs.

We previously reported that Baillie went to the Douglas store on February 13.

He put a 10 pack of San Miguel lager, valued at £13.40, in his bag, then went to the checkout to pay for a loaf of bread.

His card was declined so he didn’t buy the bread, but he left without paying for the alcohol.

Baillie returned to the store the next day, but was refused service, due to him having a ban, and the theft, which had since been discovered.

Later that day, he contacted the store saying he didn’t remember being there, but had been taking medication.

He asked what he could do to avoid being in trouble.

Baillie, who lives at Laureston Terrace in Douglas, attended a voluntary interview at police headquarters on February 17, but answered ‘no comment’ to all questions.

The court heard that he is currently subject to a suspended sentence, imposed in January.

Defence advocate Paul Rodgers said that the supervision element of the suspended sentence had not had time to take effect, when the theft had been committed.

Mr Rodgers said that his client had since been engaging with probation and the Drug and Alcohol Team.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood ordered Baillie to pay the fine and costs at a rate of £10 per week, but took no action in relation to the suspended sentence.