A benefit fraudster has had her sentencing postponed to see if a suitable community service placement can be found for her.

Laura Jane Middleton has previously pleaded guilty to two counts of benefit fraud, which involved her being overpaid £3,448.

This was due to the 42-year-old failing to declare that a partner was living with her and giving her money.

Middleton, who lives at Willaston Crescent in Douglas, was due for sentencing on Tuesday.

Defence advocate Peter Taylor referred to a probation report and said that the defendant had been deemed not suitable for community service for health reasons, and that custody was not appropriate due to the low level of the overpayment.

Mr Taylor said that this left a financial penalty as the only probable option, but that Middleton was already struggling with debt.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood said that she did not want to heap more debt upon the defendant, as she also has to pay back the £3,448 to the treasury.

Sentencing was adjourned until August 27, to see if there is a type of community service available that the defendant could do.

Bail continues.