A 56-year-old man has been put on probation for a year after admitting resisting arrest and being drunk and disorderly.

Paul Daniel Kelly, of Darragh Passage, Douglas, was arrested on January 28, at 4.40am, outside the Outback in Barrack Street.

He was restrained by police using Pava spray.

Defence advocate Louise Cooil asked for credit to be given for her client’s guilty pleas.

A Newton Hearing was scheduled to be held, to settle disputed facts, but Ms Cooil said that there had been acceptances on both sides.

The advocate said that a report had been made to the police which had turned out to be inaccurate, and the level of aggression originally described had not happened.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered Kelly to pay £125 prosecution costs, at a rate of £10 per week.