Two men have been fined after admitting a burglary at the George Hotel in Castletown.

Calhoum Tyrer, aged 25, was fined £600 while 19-year-old John Edward Patrick Horne was fined £450.

A third man, James Eden Creer, aged 22, of Y Vaarney Yiarg, Castletown, will be sentenced on July 25 after a probation report has been prepared.

The court heard that the burglary was committed on May 29.

The trio were said to have been drinking and had then broken into the pub at The Parade in Castletown.

Once inside, Tyrer, who also lives at Y Vaarney Yiarg, was said to have taken one bottle of Heineken.

He was represented by advocate Laurence Vaughan Williams, who said that his client had not been the prime instigator of the offence.

Mr Vaughan Williams said that Tyrer had not been the one who forced entry, but admitted that he had helped himself to a bottle of Heineken once inside, valued at under £4.

The advocate asked for credit to be given for his client’s guilty plea and said: ‘This was a day when he and his friends had been consuming copious quantities of alcohol.

‘One entered the premises and unfortunately the other two followed.

‘This is a young man, highly intoxicated, who does something that he wouldn’t normally do.’

Horne, who lives at James Road in Castletown, was represented by advocate Helen Lobb.

She said that her client had no previous convictions and did not usually drink alcohol in such excess.

Ms Lobb said that Horne had found himself in the company of two people older than him and had followed into the building.

The advocate said that the CCTV footage showed her client ‘bouncing into the furniture’ due to his intoxication.

‘As a result of the incident, he has tried to distance himself from the peer group it happened with,’ said Ms Lobb.

‘This is his first time being charged with an offence and he certainly doesn’t want to find himself before your worship again.’

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered both defendants to pay £125 prosecution costs.

Tyrer will pay at a rate of £10 per week, deducted from benefits, while Horne will pay £100 per month.