A money launderer who was caught trying to smuggle £24,760 in cash off the island on the ferry has appeared at Douglas Courthouse.

Pawel Bartnicki, 30, from south Wales, was arrested as he boarded the boat in a BMW on February 8.

He pleaded guilty to possessing criminal property and has been committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery for sentencing.

Prosecuting advocate Roger Kane told the court that Bartnicki drove to the Isle of Man Sea Terminal in Douglas at 9am on the day in question.

He was searched by customs officers, who found some of the cash on him.

Bartnicki was subsequently arrested and taken to the Isle of Man Constabulary’s headquarters in Douglas for questioning.

Meanwhile, the BMW was searched, and a large amount of money was found in the rear passenger doors, in concealed panels.

The total of the money found was £24,760.

Bartnicki, who lives at Cefn Close in Cwmbran, Wales, was interviewed but gave no explanation for why he had the cash and remained silent.

Mr Kane submitted that the case was too serious to be sentenced in summary court and should be committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery, saying that Bartnicki must have some involvement in organised crime and had no links to the Isle of Man.

The defendant’s advocate, Louise Cooil, argued that the case could be dealt with in summary court, saying that her client’s sentence would be reduced by a third after credit for his guilty plea.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood declined summary court jurisdiction and committed Bartnicki to the higher court.

He will appear at the court on March 14.

Bartnicki made no bail application and has been remanded at the Isle of Man prison in Jurby.