A 42-year-old Peel man has admitted possessing eight indecent images of children.

Gilno Kerron Carswell will be sentenced in summary court on October 22 after a probation report has been prepared.

The court heard that an IP address linked to the defendant had come to the attention of the police, as it was said to have been involved in searching for indecent images of children.

Carswell, who lives at Douglas Street, was arrested and a computer and hard drive were seized.

Prosecuting advocate Peter Connick told the court that a review showed a search history with specific searches for material involving indecent images.

The images found were categorised using the Copine Scale, which assesses the severity of images from one to five, with five being the most severe level.

Seven images were categorised as level one and one at level two.

The prosecutor submitted that the case was suitable to remain in summary court for sentencing.

Carswell was represented in court by advocate Paul Glover, who agreed that sentencing should take place in the lower court and asked for a probation report to be prepared.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood accepted summary court jurisdiction.

Bail continues with a condition to contact probation and co-operate in the preparation of the report.