Four men are currently facing charges over separate, unrelated allegations of sexual offences in the island’s courts.

The charges range from indecent assault to rape.

All of the defendants cannot be named, unless convicted, due to anonymity laws introduced by the Manx Government.

All four individuals recently appeared in court in relation to the charges.


A pensioner has denied indecently assaulting a child when she was between eight and 10 years old.

The man is also accused of raping her.

He appeared before magistrates recently and entered not guilty pleas to four counts of indecent assault on a child.

There are two charges of rape but pleas can only be entered to those at the Court of General Gaol Delivery.

The offences are alleged to have been committed between August 2019 and August 2021.

Prosecuting advocate Kate Alexander submitted that, even without the rape allegations, the indecent assault allegations would be too serious to be heard in summary court as they involve alleged touching of intimate areas of the body.

Magistrates declined jurisdiction for the indecent assault allegations and the defendant will be committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery on April 17.

Bail continues in the sum of £500, with conditions for the defendant to live at his home address, not to contact witnesses or go to the complainant’s address, and not to leave the island without court consent.


In a separate case, a Port Erin man has appeared in court charged with rape, indecent assault on a child, and inciting a person under 16 to commit gross indecency.

His advocate, James Peterson, asked for the case to be adjourned until March 27, saying that a psychiatric report regarding fitness to plead was being sought.

Bail continues in the sum of £500, with conditions to reside at his home address, not to enter locations specific to the complainant, not to contact witnesses, and not to leave the island without court consent.


In a separate case, a 33-year-old man, who has denied a sexual assault, will face a two-day summary court trial on May 1 and 2.

The offence is alleged to have been committed on June 1 last year and involve the defendant allegedly putting a work colleague’s arm behind her back, pulling her hair, and trying to kiss her.

He was represented in court by advocate David Clegg.

Bail continues.


A 35-year-old Ramsey man who has denied three counts of indecent assault on a woman has been committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery.

He is also accused rape, which can only be heard at the higher court, and is yet to enter a plea to that.

He will appear at the Court of General Gaol Delivery on a date to be set.

The assault allegations are said to involve the defendant performing oral sex on a woman and digital penetration.

Bail continues in the sum of £500, with conditions, including an order not to contact witnesses and not to leave the island without court consent.