A Ramsey man has denied eight counts of indecently assaulting a child.

He is yet to enter pleas to six counts of rape and 19 counts of inciting a person under 16 to commit gross indecency, as those allegations can only be heard at the Court of General Gaol Delivery.

The defendant cannot be named, unless convicted, due to anonymity laws brought in by the Isle of Man Government earlier this year.

One of the allegations relates to a child aged between seven and nine, and another was alleged to have been committed in toilets in Ramsey.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain submitted that all matters should be committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery as they are all linked.

Magistrates agreed and the defendant has been committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery where he will appear on a date to be set.

Bail continues in the sum of £500 with conditions to live at his home address, obey a curfew between 12.30am and 7am, report to police headquarters three days a week, have no unsupervised contact with anyone under 16, not to contact witnesses, not to apply for a passport, and not to leave the island without court consent.