A 47-year-old taxi driver has been fined £750 for provoking behaviour after a domestic incident.

Paul Kneen had previously pleaded not guilty to the offence as well as common assault on a female.

But on Thursday, he changed his plea to guilty to the provoking behaviour charge while the Crown offered no evidence relating to the assault charge and it was subsequently dismissed.

Magistrates also ordered Kneen, who lives in York Road in Douglas, to pay £600 prosecution costs due to work done preparing for a trial.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that police were called to an address at Archallagan Terrace in Foxdale on May 22 at 9.30pm after a report of a domestic disturbance.

Kneen was at the address with his then-partner, who said that he had snatched her phone and pushed her to the floor.

He was subsequently arrested and during an interview told police that he had pushed his partner away in self-defence while she was flailing her arms around.

Defence advocate David Reynolds asked for credit to be given for the change of plea.

He said that the couple had been in a relationship for 14 years but had since parted.

Mr Reynolds said that, on the night in question, they had been arguing over counselling and Kneen had been frustrated over his partner recording what was going on.

‘He accepts his behaviour was not acceptable,’ said the advocate.

‘He grabbed the phone out of frustration. He was in custody for three nights and has not been able to return to the family home.

‘The relationship is well and truly over.’

Mr Reynolds went on to say that his client had no similar convictions and had since been paying rent at a new address as well as half a mortgage.

He continued: ‘This is a situation that is not going to happen again as he’s had no contact with the complainant.’

Magistrates ordered Kneen to pay the fine and costs at a rate of £100 per month.