A Douglas teenager has admitted laundering more than £35,000 in criminal cash through his bank account.

Keane Robert Liggins appeared in court and has been committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery for sentencing.

The 19-year-old entered guilty pleas to charges of acquiring criminal property into his account, namely £35,102, and transferring criminal property from his account to various other accounts, namely £36,209.

The offences were committed between January 2022 and August 2023.

Prosecuting advocate Sara-Jayne Dodge submitted that the case was too serious to be sentenced in summary court, considering the significant sum involved, and that the offences had been over a lengthy period.

Ms Dodge said that the offences were also connected to other matters which Liggins is facing at the Court of General Gaol Delivery.

In May last year, he admitted possessing ecstasy with intent to supply and possessing criminal property.

Defence advocate Lawrie Gelling agreed that sentencing should take place in the higher court and that all matters should be dealt with together.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood declined summary court jurisdiction for the latest offences and committed Liggins, who lives at Harcroft Meadow, to the Court of General Gaol Delivery.

He will appear there on March 14.

Bail continues in the sum of £500, with conditions to reside at his home address, not to leave the island without court consent, and to contact probation and co-operate in the preparation for the report.