Two men who were involved in a brawl at Barbary Coast West in Peel have been fined.

James Gallagher, aged 21,  was fined £1,100 and given a 12 months licensing ban, while Steven John Kelly, aged 33, was fined £800 and banned from purchasing or being sold alcohol for six months.

The pair both admitted disorderly behaviour on licensed premises, which had replaced a previous charge of affray.

They had denied the affray charge.

The court heard that a fight broke out at Barbary Coast West on April 7.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood said that she had viewed the CCTV footage of the incident.

Kelly was said to have initially argued with Gallagher’s brother, but Gallagher himself was then said to have pushed Kelly.

Gallagher was then seen on the video putting another male in a headlock and wrapping his legs around him on the ground.

Kelly was said to have been seen on the footage throwing punches.

Ms Braidwood said that it had been a substantial brawl on licensed premises, in close proximity to other patrons.

Gallagher, who lives at Roxwell Terrace, was represented in court by advocate Kaitlyn Shimmin, who handed in a letter of apology from her client and said that he had no previous convictions.

She asked for credit to be given for his guilty plea and said that Gallagher’s role was lesser than some involved.

Kelly, who resides at Ballagyr Park, was represented by advocate Louise Cooil, who said that her client had no previous convictions.

Ms Cooil said that her client had been pushed by Gallagher and that Kelly had moved himself away, but accepted that his behaviour was disorderly.

The advocate asked for Kelly to be spared a ban on entering licensed premises, saying that he was involved in clubs which a ban would exclude him from.

Both men were also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs.

Gallagher will pay his fine and costs at a rate of £40 per week, while Kelly agreed to pay within three months.